Free online worship team and worship leader training

Free online worship team and worship leader training

Worship team practice: Beginning and ending songs well

Whilst the free lesson below is from our Practical Worship Leading course, it is hugely suitable for the entire worship team.

Picking the right key for congregations

Worship songs are generally written in a key that best show cases the writer’s voice. People like Chris Tomlin have a great range to their voices and can easily hit much higher notes than the rest of us. That means we should think very carefully before always playing the song in the original key just as it is on the CD.

Whilst counter-intuitive female worship leaders and singers will generally be more comfortable in a lower key than men.

This brilliant lesson shows you how to pick songs in the best key for the congregation based on understanding where the strong notes typically lie in male and female vocal ranges.

Below you’ll find a helpful article we wrote about finding the right key for small church worship.

Finding the right key for small church worship

Worship leader training


If you would like to improve your worship leading skills take a look at the above video and head over to check out our Practical Worship Leading course.

Worship team training: What happens when one instrument takes up too much space?


Our Band Skills course has been designed to improve the musicianship of the entire worship team. The contents have been developed following hundreds of seminars we have taught all over the world to thousands of church-based musicians.

Most worship teams face the same core problems – not enough musicians, poor musical ability in some team members, differing expectations of church and musicians.

The Band Skills course wraps all those and other essential elements up to a comprehensive course that is guaranteed to improve the sound and effectiveness of your team.

One of our worship leader customers simply said “We’ve used various resources over the years with our 30+ people worship team, but this is far by the most practical and applicable I’ve seen.

Check out more information about the Band Skills course and consider how your team could benefit from watching it.

Learn to play by ear: identify the chords in a key


Sample lesson from our Playing By Ear course teaching one of the basic foundations of ear playing – the ability to identify the chords in the key.