Infographic: History of worship and music in the church
By admin | December 18, 2014
Click the image to see it in a larger resolution. Thanks to Christian Universities Online for permission to publish.
By admin | December 18, 2014
Click the image to see it in a larger resolution. Thanks to Christian Universities Online for permission to publish.
By admin | December 11, 2014
For the first time, UK churches have produced a Christmas video ad as part of a significant social media campaign. The video, called First Christmas, was unveiled on YouTube at noon on Thursday 11 December. Francis Goodwin, who heads up the Christmas Starts with Christ campaign, said: ‘The supermarket ads, which were released last month, […]
By admin | December 9, 2014
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A really well done contemporary take on the nativity by the kids of St Paul’s Church, Auckland, New Zealand
By Guest Blogger | December 8, 2014
We all have our songs, our heart cries to God. We sing them in our cars, our homes, on the way to work. We sing them through pain and through joy. Sometimes they are audible and beautiful to the human ear. Often they may be silent, or lack musical expertise, but to God they are […]
By admin | December 4, 2014
As you may know, our very own Andy Chamberlain writes a monthly column “Musical Chops” for Worship Leader Magazine. Each year they publish a Best of the Best issue and of the resources highlighted, Managing Editor Jeremy Armstrong selects what he considers the top congregational worship songs of the year. We thought we’d share that […]
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Martin Sapsed from Caernarfon emailed with a question: “My wife plays the flute in our worship group which usually comprises my electro-acoustic guitar, bass, keyboard, my wife’s flute and a couple of singers. Currently the mic usually pointed at the flute is what I think would normally be a singer’s mic – not an SM58 […]
By Guest Blogger | November 25, 2014
We asked for some help a while back on recommended songs for kids worship and promised to share the resultant article with you. The article was commissioned by CCLI in the UK so the resources are pretty UK-centric. That will likely mean some great discoveries here for those of you in the rest of the world. […]
By Marie@Musicademy | November 20, 2014
We’ve created a brand new concept in chord charts – the EveryKey Chord Chart. What you get in a single download is a zip file containing a pdf chord chart in every possible key (including a Nashville Numbers chart). Select the key you want and print that one out (or display on your tablet). […]
By admin | November 19, 2014
[Note: This training day is now past but you’ll find info on any upcoming training days here] Worship beyond singing There’s a whole lot more to worship than music and singing but in the contemporary church it has become somewhat the preserve of the musicians. This training day, for musicians and non musicians alike is […]