We’re going to start showcasing our range of DVD products on the blog by giving you a free lessons from the DVDs every couple of weeks. This week is a clip from the Harmony & Backing Vocals DVDs. These DVD’s are a bit of a departure for us in as much as these are more about a copy and play along style of learning rather than a comprehensive video tutorial in our other products.
So for each song on these DVDs you get a short video lesson outlining the technique that was used in the building of the Harmony, then 3 versions of the song; a high harmony, a low harmony and then a normal version to practice to. The clip above shows one of the harmony versions – you can hear that the harmony line is louder in the mix so that you can hear it, copy and learn. As you progress through the songs (there are 10 on each DVD) the techniques get more complex so by time you’ve learnt the 40 parts to the 20 songs you’ll have an arsenal of useful real world backing vocalist’s techniques. You can greatly improve your singing skills.rd and 5th harmonies, head and chest voice, using unison, octaves, pedalling and 7ths to add colour, dynamics for tension and release, creating smooth voice leading, plus the crucial skills of blending and matching.