In this lesson:
Learn to play the Beautiful One tagline. Test on chord sequences. How to use a capo. Tuning using frets. Test on capo positions in different keys.
In the full course:
By following this 19 part, 10 hour course you will learn:
- 35 essential acoustic guitar chords
- 15 essential strumming patterns
- Power chords, slash chords & easy ‘cheat’ chords
- Finger picking patterns - Play in 4/4, 3/4 and 6/8 time
- Play in any key using a capo
- Play any song in 3 capo positions
- Understanding chord charts
- Transpose complex keys into guitar-friendly keys
- Tuning, pick and strumming technique
- Damping strings, learn the notes on the neck
And learn 10 worship songs:
- A New Hallelujah - Michael W Smith
- Praise is Rising (Hosanna) - Paul Baloche, Brenton Brown
- Our God - Matt Redman
- Your Grace is Enough - Matt Mayer
- Beautiful One - Tim Hughes
- How He Loves - David Crowder
- My Soul Sings – Delirious?
- Open Eyes of My Heart - Paul Baloche
- Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) - Chris Tomlin
- Indescribable - Chris Tomlin, Laura Story
The program includes 10 hours of lessons, practice tracks and tests on 19 downloads.
Buy all 19 Beginning Guitar lessons at the same time and a 25% discount will be applied at the checkout.
Optional extras
Also available (as a download only) are four extensive practical workbooks. These are designed as optional extras and will help you maximise your learning as well as giving you the main course notes contained on the DVDs in hard copy written format. Each of the four workbooks contains 10 new songs for you to learn alongside the techniques and chords you learn as part of the DVD lessons. For each song we give you a chord chart, a strumming pattern and notes to guide you. The workbooks also contain tests and further exercises other than those on the DVDs.
4 Training Track backing track albums (MP3 download) featuring the 10 worship songs learnt in the Guitar Workbook Songbooks.
- Two versions of each song - one at full speed for leading worship and a slowed down version for practice. Both include three split track mixes:
- Left ""stripped down"" mix for learning (vocals and guitar only)
- Centre ""full band"" mix for practising (includes click and vocal cue)
- Right ""worship leading"" mix (band minus lead vocals, acoustic, click, cue)
Whilst these are designed to accompany the Musciademy Beginning Worship Guitar DVDs Workbook Songbooks (which include chord charts and strumming patterns to each of the songs) they are also useful as backing tracks for leading worship and guitar practice.
Training Tracks
1. Learn the part
2. Practise with the band
3. Lead worship with the backing track
For every song you get two versions. One at a slowed down pace designed to help you practice the chords to and a split track version at regular speed.
Why do I need to pay for these extras?
We've chosen to offer these as optional extras in order to keep the base price of the lessons affordable. The training tracks and workbooks are, however, really helpful teaching and learning aides and we strongly recommend you purchase them to accompany the downloads. Check out the customer reviews for the training tracks and workbooks to see how well other customers rate them.