The Father's Song

The Father's Song

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Price: $4.99

The Father’s Song  Matt Redman
Make the complex chord transitions flow smoothly with a set easy to follow changes and learn a sensitive finger picking pattern that you can in other songs

The Musicademy Song Learner Series for Worship Guitar - teaching contemporary worship songs in the context of a 12-20 minute lesson which enables you to master appropriate strumming patterns, find easy shapes for complex sounding chords, cheats for quick chord changes plus hints, tips and techniques which will further your playing beyond learning the song itself.


Get 50% off this lesson when you buy 10 or more other downloadable Worship Guitar Song Learner Lessons or our Rock & Pop Guitar Lessons at the same time (coupon will be applied at the checkout).


The Song Learner Series lessons are also available on compilation DVDs. They are ideally suited to students who have completed the Beginners Worship Guitar course but are not yet ready for the more advanced teaching of the Intermediate course. Song Learners will build on the foundations of students’ musical knowledge and teaching how to play some of today’s most popular contemporary worship songs properly. This is particularly useful where the most appropriate fingering and rhythm is not immediately obvious from a chord chart or music score.

Each lesson is significantly more than a quick run through of how to play the song. As experienced educators, we at Musicademy realise that students new to a musical principle need to have the information broken down, repeated slowly and then consolidated in the context of a song. The lessons therefore show each new section of a song and play it through a few times before each element is bolted together in a step-by-step way. Using this methodology not only does the student understand the technique and how to apply it to other songs, but also gets each sequence into muscle memory.

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Video packs in the most value into one song | Review by Kirk Grover, Oregon USA
Ease Of Use
The Father's Song – Probably the video that packs in the most value into one lesson! Goes over some great finger picking, an awesome walkdown that would be difficult to master without Andy's tips, and a bunch of great sounding and unique chords. Plus, Andy shows some different ways to finger common chords that work well during the quick chord changes and make the stretches on the walkdown easier.
(Posted on 11/7/10)

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