DIY Worship Team Workshop - Understanding Groove

DIY Worship Team Workshop - Understanding Groove

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Price: $19.99

Worship Team Workshop - Understanding Groove

**Buy all 3 Workshops together and get a 20% discount on individual prices**

3 Worship Team Workshops that are designed for you to run "DIY" Style with your worship team. We provide all the materials, videos, discussion points and handouts. You get your worship team together and work through the training. You DON'T need to be a great musician or teacher in order to run a great workshop.

Understanding Groove

Understanding Groove is a downloadable, workshop-style 2-hour training course for your entire worship team to participate in. It combines short, video-based training sessions for everyone to watch together along with discussions, hands-on exercises to try and space to play to work the learning into well-known worship songs.

Topics covered in this workshop include:

  • What is groove and why it’s important

  • Rhythmic mistakes that worship teams typically make

  • How to find a consistent groove within any song

  • How to find your instrument’s individual role within the groove

  • How to create rhythmic and textural balance in the overall sound

Course materials include:

  • Downloadable video based training lessons

  • Printable delegate notes for all participates

  • Printable facilitator notes for group leaders

  • Worship song backing tracks

  • Chord charts

Worship Team Workshop

Is a growing range of downloadable video based training courses that your worship team can work through together in a single session in the space you’d normally rehearse: whether that’s at church, in a practice room or even at home.

Each workshop is designed for novice and seasoned musicians alike with learning that applies to both contemporary and orchestral instruments. It takes 2 hours but can also be worked through in three smaller parts (60/30/30 mins) if your team has less time in a single sitting.

The workshops unpack invaluable skills through a series of training videos to watch together alongside guided group discussions, practical exercises and plenty space to play together to try out the learning. Each workshop is designed around a two-hour session and split into parts so can be approached piecemeal if you have less time in a single sitting. Plus, there are participant worksheets, facilitator notes to help guide the group leader and even backing tracks and chord charts to try out the learning with. All downloadable for you to keep and use time and again as you wish or revisit as your worship team personnel changes.

Each workshop contains:

  • Videos
    The training videos are taken from Musicademy’s critically acclaimed Worship Band Skills course but distilled into bite-sized lessons focused on developing a single skill

  • Discussions
    Its really important for your team to have space to collectively reflect on how the learning might apply to them, so between the videos we guide you through some pertinent questions to help encourage honest but productive discussion.

  • Exercises
    Once we’ve explored the learning in the videos and discussions we build in some fun and enlightening practical group exercises to help everyone develop the skills as a team.

  • Space to play together
    Then after the exercises we leave plenty of time to play together to practice those skills in the context of well-known worship songs.

  • Worksheets, backing tracks and chord charts
    We provide worksheets for each participant to help them understand the course schedule with space to make notes, and key ideas to remember. Some courses also feature worship song backing tracks and accompanying chord charts to use to work through the learning.

  • Facilitator notes
    In edition to the participant worksheets we provide some written notes for the group leader/facilitator. This helps them guide everyone through the course, keep the schedule on time, chair the discussions and exercises, encourage participation and be aware of potential ‘hotspot’ issues.

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