We had a fantastic training day in Maidstone and shared live footage from the day on Facebook Live videos.
We’ve collected them all here (give them time to load) so you can watch.
These were filmed using mobile phones from our host church volunteers so are not professionally edited of course. The sound is straight to the phone rather than via the sound desk so please excuse any audio problems – we figured you’d rather see this material free-of-charge than not.
This is a great example of working with two drummers and two keyboards. Mark Jones adds in percussion and hand drums to Terl’s kit playing.
The second keyboard adds to the overall sound rather than competing with the other instruments.
This session looks at the challenges of playing traditional hymns in contemporary worship and also explore modern hymns.
It includes some helpful music theory which teaches some of the techniques explored in our Playing By Ear Course including how to work out which chords are in any given key and how to simplify chords for more traditional hymns and carols.
The workshop, with Psalm Drummer Terl Bryant, explores how you can build, adapt and play a drum kit appropriate to the size of the church and congregation.
How to enrich the sounds of the kit through integrating percussion and percussive playing. With Psalm Drummer, Mark Jones.
These techniques are all covered on our Hand2Hand hand drumming DVD which Mark presents.
Learn to make the most of your voice by getting posture and breathing right and work through some ideas for warm-up exercises that will help you sound great first thing on a Sunday but also build up your singing voice for the long term.
Harmonies and worship leading as a vocalist all outworked in well-known worship songs.
Nicki also gives valuable tips on mic technique, singing styles, worship leading, improvisation, vocal health and more.
Our choir sessions are always hugely popular. In this class Nicki helps the singers to create that unique gospel sound looking at harmony structures, tone and delivery, movement and much more.