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We have 10 Featured Lessons that you can watch free-of-charge to help you learn more: Watch Lessons
If you’d prefer some more freebies download the four free Musicademy “Cut Out and Keep” Guides.
The four guides are:
- Guide to Chords in Keys
- Guide to How Chords Work
- Guide to Transposing
- Recommended Capo Positioning Guide
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Getting a strong sound. Guest lesson from Lloyd Wade.
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We have 10 Featured Lessons that you can watch free-of-charge to help you learn more: Watch Lessons
If you’d prefer some more freebies download the four free Musicademy “Cut Out and Keep” Guides.
The four guides are:
- Guide to Chords in Keys
- Guide to How Chords Work
- Guide to Transposing
- Recommended Capo Positioning Guide
- Worship Vocals Course: Part 1
- The pathway of singing: How Great Thou Art
- Worship leader tips: What is difficult about singing
- Lines of harmony: What a Friend I’ve Found
- Quick tip: Harmonies
- Quick tip
- Worship Vocals Course: Part 3
- Keys, the major scale and counting
- Worship leader tips: Trusting your voice
- Quick tip: Fresh and salty water
- Tones, semitones, intervals and arpeggios
- Worship leader tips: Pitching a song correctly
- Harmony: Here I am to Worship
- Worship leader tips: Advice on harmonies
- Dynamics and leading vocally
- Worship leader tips: Cultural differences
- Listen and identify techniques
- Worship leader tips: Band communication
- Worship leader tips: Ben Cantelon