Would you like a Musicademy forum to ask questions and post replies?

Would you like a Musicademy forum to ask questions and post replies?

We’re getting some really interesting responses on our survey about Musicademy website content and our newsletter. A number of people have said that they would value a forum or something similar to ask questions about worship, instruments, music etc and have the Musicademy team and other customers answer them. We could even have a worship jobs board there.

At the moment if you have question you can either email us or post it to the Facebook wall. We do always try to respond. But there are tools and platforms available that we could implement which would open this up more. One such option is to launch a proper forum. Here’s an example called the Guitarists Praise and Worship Forum.

Is this something that you would use or do you think the format is rather “technical”?

Would you be likely to a) Post questions b) Read questions/answers c) Answer and comment yourself.

Other alternatives would be to do something more on Facebook (perhaps set up a Facebook Group dedicated to Q&A) or try to set something very simple up from our home page that worked a little more like a blog but with the ability to post questions as well as read and comment.

Please let us know what you thinkin the comment box below.