
Harmony & Backing Vocals

Harmony & Backing Vocals

Harmony & Backing Vocals

Categories: Harmony, Vocals

Learn to sing harmonies and discover the art of backing vocals

20 lessons, designed for male and female singers who'd like to learn how to harmonize or improve their backing vocals skills. Every lesson unpacks learning the harmony and backing vocal parts to a worship song. Each lesson has a short video tutorial discussing the types of harmony or backing vocal technique used and then 3 backing tracks per song for you to copy, learn and sing along to. The first backing track has the first harmony playing loud in the mix, the second backing track has the second harmony loud and the third backing track is the normal version of the song for you to practice to once you've committed each harmony to memory by listening and learning as you would in a contemporary worship team or band. The first 10 lessons and songs essential harmony and backing vocal techniques:
  • How to form basic harmonies
  • Understanding 3rds & 5ths
  • Finding harmonies above and below the melody
  • When and when not to sing
  • Using unison effectively
  • Matching lead vocal phrasing
  • Pads or vowel sounds to add colour
  • Emphasising key phrases to add punctuation
  • Echoes and ad libs
The second 10 lessons are slightly more advanced and cover:
  • More challenging harmony parts
  • Harmonies that push your vocal range
  • Using head and chest voice
  • Blending and supporting the lead vocal
  • Matching drop-off, inflections and vibrato
  • Avoiding crossing over parts
  • Using dynamics to create tension and release
  • Finding harmonies to chords outside of the key
  • Using pedaling, 1sts, 5ths and 7ths to create textures
  • Close harmonies and smooth voice leading
The video lessons are presented by Andreana Arganda who has sung on over 50 live and studio worship albums with Matt Redman, Tim Hughes, Vicky Beeching, David Ruis, Casey Corum, Andy Park and many others.

Who is it for?

This course is suitable for people that are able to sing but want to develop their ability to sing harmonies and backing vocals. If you've not had vocals lessons before we would definitely suggest the Worship Vocals Course and working through that before attempting the Harmony & Backing Vocals Course. Like this you can be sure that you are singing correctly with proper breath control and posture.  

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