Join us on Facebook

Join us on Facebook

We’ve added a Musicademy “fan” page to Facebook. You can join it here.

If you’d like to start keeping up with updates to our website via your Facebook newsfeed then that’s the place to go. There are also a few Facebook only features including a photo album featuring the many haircuts of Andy Chamberlain and the ever changing view from our office – currently covered in snow. We’ll add further video clips and other items to the Facebook page that are less formal and perhaps even more risque than those on the main website.

If you prefer a Twitter stream then go to This stream is a bit of a mix of Musicademy news, blog updates and whatever else is going on in Marie’s life (like marketing teaching and riding motorbikes).

And for your amusement here is a video poking fun at all those things you hate about Facebook like, well, poking.