Segueing worship songs: a list of songs that work well together in a medley
Worship songs that link well together
We had a great discussion in our Facebook Group recently about songs that work well flowing from one to another.
Here’s the final list:
Combine the chorus of the hymn And Can It Be with I’m Forgiven/Amazing Love
Chorus of How Great Thou Art combined with How Great is Our Go‘. As an extra or alternative bridge
Use chorus Lord I Want to Lift Your Name on High with How Great is Our God
Everlasting God (Brenton Brown) with 1st verse of O God Our Help in Ages Past before last chorus
Beautiful verses 1,2 and 3, into When I Survey, then back for final verse of Beautiful
Let Everything That Has Breath, into Praise My Soul the King of Heaven
Oceans into Eternal Father
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone) into And Can It Be
Amazing Grace and No Not By Might
Open the Eyes of My Heart /Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Chorus of How Great Thou Art makes a good second chorus/lead in from the chorus of 10 Thousand Reasons
Holy Holy, God Almighty then Holy, Holy, Holy the classic hymn
The chorus from O Come All Ye Faithful (O Come Let Us Adore Him) works well in lots of medleys eg Our God Is Greater
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand with My Hope (Paul Baloche)
Any number of songs would go with To God Be The Glory – e.g. Holy Holy God Almighty by Brenton Brown (do To God Be The Glory in 4/4 rather than the usual 3/4)
I Will Set My Face to Seek the Lord. After final chorus of My Wonderful God go with the riff There’s No God like Jehovah, sometimes used after Days of Elijah
Christmas suggestion: God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen fits well to Come People of the Risen King and you can include the Rejoice, Rejoice chorus! It also makes a good bluesy instrumental for people to hear on exit or entry!
Set a Fire – Yes Jesus Loves Me
Call upon the Lord (Elevation) – There is Power in the Name of Jesus
Reckless Love – Oh How He loves Us/ Hallelujah
Broken Vessels – Amazing Grace
Tremble – More Than Anything (I Love You Jesus)
Here again – What a Beautiful Name – I Can Sing of Your Love
Tremble – There is Power in the Name of Jesus
Who You Say I Am – I Surrender All
Build My Life – Beautiful Name (bridge and chorus, not verses)
The chords in the bridges of What a Beautiful Name and Build My Life are the same (4, 5, 6m, 1/3(m)) so you can actually go from one to the other easily as long as you’re in the same key.
Before the Throne of God Above – Glory in the Highest
Other ideas:
Taking older songs and changing the accompaniment to be contemporary – choosing a rhythmic style to play in – changing the time signature. Play a jazz waltz rhythmic style to accompany Gather Us In and Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross and the tune Hyfrydol
Try pairing traditional and contemporary songs that have a similar message. Some examples would include Draw Me Close and Draw Me Nearer, I Love You, Lord and My Jesus, I Love Thee, The Solid Rock and Rock of Ages (Baloche). This juxtaposition leads to well-blended services