Top Ten Signs I Lead a Smaller Church Worship Ministry

Top Ten Signs I Lead a Smaller Church Worship Ministry
  1. If I replaced my guitar strings, I’d blow my budget. For the year.
  2. The congregation follows the loudest singer in the room. Unfortunately, she’s not on the team. Nor a great singer.
  3. I entered a three-­month depression after attending a national worship leader’s conference.
  4. The senior pastor is also the worship leader. And youth pastor. And custodian….
  5. The room is too small to handle acoustic drums. The budget’s too small for electronic drums. But this only matters when we have a drummer 5 times a year.
  6. My most knowledgeable sound tech’s only training was DJ’ing weddings when he was in college.
  7. During worship, the average time between songs is proportionate to the number of music pages the pianist has to shuffle before she gives me the “should I go ahead and start the intro now?” look.
  8. My musician schedule contains only three words: PLEASE SHOW UP.
  9. When a new musician to begins attending our church, the average time it takes for him/her to be invited, auditioned and assimilated onto the team is about 4.7 minutes.
  10. Worship Team? I am the team.