Musicademy is delighted to launch two new products – the Vocal Workout for Guys and the Vocal Workout for Girls. Both are available on CD and also as online downloads. Click through to the website to listen to samples and buy the workouts.
29 exercises designed especially for the male voice.
Starting with a 3-pronged warm up which in cludes voice, placement and diaphragm, there are also extensive technique exercises of varying levels to cater for beginnners through to experienced singers.
The technique covers everything from breathing and expanding your range (including falsetto) to performance skills.
Buy the Guys Vocals Workout CD
Buy the Guys Download
27 exercises designed especially for the female voice.
Starting with a 3-pronged warm up which in cludes voice, placement and diaphragm, there are also extensive technique exercises of varying levels to cater for beginnners through to experienced singers.
The technique covers everything from breathing and expanding your range to performance skills.
Buy the Girls Vocal Workout CD
Buy the Girls Download
Checkout our best selling Musicademy Vocals Warm-up CD and the “vocal bootcamp” Musicademy Vocals Work-out CD.