4 ways to reduce stage noise in church

  The benefits of lowering stage noise are clear: Better sound Happy audience Positive feedback Amazing, right? The only question is: How can you reduce stage noise ? That’s easy: follow my guide below. Option 1 : Reduce drums volume Drum shield Drum shields are very effective in preventing stage noise. They are often used […]

7 questions to help you get more out of your worship team rehearsals

1. Have you practiced before the rehearsal? The key to rehearsing is to look at it as a time to build arrangements and getting the band to ‘gel’ with a song. Rehearsing is different to personal practice times.I always try to get my band members to learn chords, parts, lyrics, melodies etc well before they […]

Do's and Don'ts for Christmas service planning

Do’s and Don’ts: Christmas service planning We asked the Musicademy Worship Community (our new Facebook Group) for their tips on Christmas planning and were blown away by a response from Christopher Phillimore that listed some super useful Do’s and Don’ts. We couldn’t agree more with his suggestions. Here is Christopher’s list: DO plan in advance […]

Developing a sense of timing in your worship team

Someone once told me that music with dodgy tuning is folk and music with dodgy timing is jazz… So does that mean lots of worship bands are actually playing sophisticated jazz-folk? All jokes aside, so many worship teams could improve their sound immensely if they just focused on improving their sense of timing. Most musicians […]

Re-written narrations of the Christmas story [free Christmas presentation download]

Pulling together an order of service that also includes a creative element to both refresh the usual content and appeal to visitors can be pretty daunting. We were discussing ideas for Christmas service planning in the Musicademy Worship Community (it’s a Group on Facebook – you are welcome to join too) when one of our regular community […]

Flare Audio's Isolate ear defenders [Review]

I go to a lot of live music. Festivals, gigs and conferences. At the majority, sound levels are perfectly acceptable and I leave at the end of the evening without feeling that my ears are bleeding. But sometimes it’s loud. Too loud. At a pub gig a couple of years ago the music was so […]

8 tips for training younger worship musicians

There is an old joke that says ‘How many electric guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?’ The answer is 100. One to change the bulb and 99 to say ‘that was rubbish, I could do it much faster’… Every so often I come across a teenage guitarist who has been playing for […]