Controlling volume overspill in church part 2 – identifying the noise-makers

By Guest Blogger | August 17, 2012

Sound proofing in church In my original post on  controlling volume overspill in church, I spoke specifically about noise problems outside of the building, concluding with the statement: If you seriously need to reduce the volume spill into the outside world then you should speak to your local acoustic consultant. However, in the light of […]

How the digital age is changing our minds – what does this mean for worship?

By Guest Blogger | August 6, 2012

As a self confessed gadget-freak and techno-taster I approached this book with huge digital multi-layered delight. Watson vividly explores how the digital era is affecting minds, changing behavior and ultimately, shaping the future. I had already heard of the author through his work with the trend report What’s Next?, and so was expecting good things. […]

Top Ten Signs I Lead a Smaller Church Worship Ministry

By Guest Blogger |

If I replaced my guitar strings, I’d blow my budget. For the year. The congregation follows the loudest singer in the room. Unfortunately, she’s not on the team. Nor a great singer. I entered a three-­month depression after attending a national worship leader’s conference. The senior pastor is also the worship leader. And youth pastor. And custodian…. […]

10 practical song writing tips

By Marie@Musicademy |

As a guitar teacher, students sometimes ask me to help them write a song. Some want to write worship songs, others pop songs. Most have a few ideas that on their own sound really catchy but no way of threading the ideas together. Some have a few words, some have a chord progression, some have […]

Learning to Play by Ear Part 2

By Andy@Musicademy |

Previously we looked at how to work out all the chords available in the key of G and then use them to write a song.  I suggested you took an existing song and worked out which chords came where by listening to see which ones sounded major, which ones sounded minor and by the process […]

Worship Band Function Band

By Andy@Musicademy |

Sometimes I encourage musicians who have only ever played on worship teams to go and join a function or covers band and play venues outside the church. This kind of approach invariably pushes them out of their comfort zones and can be quite challenging on all sorts of levels but can be highly beneficial. They […]

Things that annoy me about worship leaders

By Marie@Musicademy |

I found this from Jeremy Moore at The Point – its following on from Chico Woo’s posts about People That Frustrate Worship Leaders. I chuckled as I read the list because it was all so true, but then it also made me think of the things that have annoyed or frustrated me with various worship […]