Bored with contemporary worship?

We don’t want to say it. It sounds like we’re consumers, wanting more entertainment, and we know that’s not the problem. Worse, it might sound like we’re tired of God – when we know we’ve only just scratched the surface of the infinitely creative, dynamically relational being he is.

Ask The Expert - T-Loop Feedback Whistles

Jon Foyle asked this question: Our church has a t-loop and we often find that the guitar amps for the music band pick up signals from the sound system that can lead to feedback whistles. We have tried placing the amps off the ground but it is unfortunate that the area that the band sets […]

Small Amps Great Sound (Part 3)

Right…I think I’m getting there! My cunning plan is coming together…sort of. Just to recap I wanted a small lightweight tube amp that would be ideally suited to a worship band environment. It had to have great tone but be no more than 7 or 8 watts because, for the volume that most churches play […]

The Song Learner "How to Play" Series - get a FREE coupon here

I thought it would be worth flagging up for you the Musicademy “Song Learner” DVDs and online downloads this month. I’m not sure that we really came up with the best brand name for them as they are really about “How to Play a Worship Song Properly”. In a nutshell, the Song Learners are individual lessons […]

Ask the Expert - getting a cello sound from a bass guitar

Tiffany Reynolds asked this fascinating question: “I know this is going to sound weird but I’m serious. I play bass but sometimes you want the bowed sound of a cello or an upright bass during quiet passages of a song. I want to take up cello but sometimes you can’t switch back and forth … […]

How would Jesus lead worship?

That’s the title of a new book by Sam and Sara Hargreaves, who lead – a new expression of the Music and Worship. Engage Worship is doing a UK tour from February based on the question “How would Jesus lead worship”. click on the link below for more info. how-would-jesus-lead-worship

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Subscribe to our worship magazine for periodic updates and valuable coupons. You can unsubscribe at any time. Email Address: HTML TEXT-Only If you’re more the feedreader type you can pick up the feed here. There’s an option there to be emailed each time there is something new on the blog. Our blog posts are also […]