As East City Church transitions its worship service to a unified style of worship (see links below to previous articles in this series), they will need to identify people to serve on the vocal team in worship. ECC already has vocalists that sing in their contemporary service, but in the effort to transition the traditional service to a unified style of worship, it would be best to add additional vocalists that the traditional service would recognize as “their own.” This is a continuation of the effort to prevent an “us” and “them” mentality in worship.
What are some additional guidelines you would use in selecting vocalists?
Next time, I will look at the need for ECC to cast vision for the new role of the choir.
Kenny Lamm, senior consultant for worship and music for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, is a frequent worship conference leader with a strong focus on equipping leaders in North Carolina (USA) and Southeast Asia. His blog, Renewing Worship, features posts that explore ways to renew–impart new life and vigor to–the worship in the local church.
Transitioning your church’s corporate worship – part 1
Technology improvement – part 2
Developing a worship leadership team – part 3
Helping the congregation learn new songs – part 5
Pulling together a worship team in a church moving from traditional to contemporary worship – part 6