[Article] Is it time to boycott the worship industry?

By admin | February 25, 2016

We found this article on the Patheos blog. It’s generated a huge number of comments on our Facebook page with very diverse opinions shared. What do you think? Note that this is a link to Facebook so can take a few moments to load. These articles critiquing contemporary worship seem to be emerging with increasing […]

[Article] Reflections on a worship concert

By admin | February 14, 2016

We come across this thought provoking article written by a South African blogger and really liked the way he was able to present a critique of a recent Passion conference without being overly critical. Have a read for yourself and see what you think. Note that this is a link to Facebook so can take […]

Are we missing the point about Christian worship music? Guest article from Dave Bilbrough

By Guest Blogger | February 10, 2016

It’s funny how we have a tendency to evaluate good and bad.  Recently I was reading an article on the current state of Christian music.  ‘Is it progressive or creative, or has it cocooned itself into a safe formula; i.e Coldplay beats Big Country’, the writer asked.  Whilst the arguments on both sides were convincing […]

Way back when: Andy as you probably haven’t seen him before

By Marie@Musicademy | January 27, 2016

It’s been Way Back When week on Facebook so we joined the fun digging out a couple of photos of Andy. Look how hard he is concentrating watching the guitarist play.   It's #waybackweek on Facebook so here are a couple of photos of our very own Andy Chamberlain from a very long time ago. […]

Ask the Expert: Best recording mic (in a noisy room)

By admin | January 26, 2016

We had a slightly strange “Ask the Expert” email from Mike Barco which our friends at SFL Group have done their best to answer. “I’m trying to capture the best recording on a quite creaky floor noise coming through the wall… Which microphone is best for this?”   Now we’re not too sure if Mike is […]

Real world transitions between song sections and what happens with MultiTracks

By Andy@Musicademy | January 25, 2016

We get the odd email at (our sister company) Worship Backing Band asking us about the transitions between song sections when people are using the repeat, loop or jump functionality. They find that sometimes it can sound a little “ragged”. This isn’t actually an error in the software but what is realistically likely to happen from […]

Ask the Expert: Can we keep everyone happy by putting a contemporary keyboard in a wooden cabinet?

By Marie@Musicademy | January 22, 2016

We received a fascinating email from Liz from South Ruislip, UK who had been to one of our training days and had asked for advice on what keyboard to purchase for her church. We’d suggested the Roland RD800 which their Leadership Team agreed to. However, the proposed move to a more contemporary instrument has not pleased everyone. […]

Top 10 “golden nuggets” from our training days

By Marie@Musicademy | January 14, 2016

Key training takeaways It’s always good to hear what people take away from our live training days. Here are the top 10 “golden nuggets” from our two most recent days in response to the question “What will you do differently as a result of today?” Think more about how best to position our band on stage […]